Mar 3, 2010

Vikas H.Gurudev With RD 350

Look At RD 350.. The Fastest Indian Bike

There was a myth that RD stood for "Racing Death" and "Road Death" and that it was the Japanese revenge for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
as it claimed the lives of many US riders, but this is pure fiction
(according to Japanese representatives).
It was thought by some RD
stood for "race derived." But a long time Yamaha mechanic recently dispelled this myth on the UK Yamaha RD forum, this is his explanation and he has worked with and raced them since the seventies: "We always understood it to be a series of letters that explain the bikes make up and function two stroke twin." The RD was a gas guzzler that would deliver anywhere between 6–24 km per litre.

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